Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to book to stay at the caravan and campgrounds?

No. We have a dedicated on-site caretaker who will be able to assist you with your site and stay at the grounds.

When is the caravan and campground open?

We are always open for caravan and campground travels, with the exception of our annual show weekend where all sites are booked for this event.

How do we pay for our caravan or campsite?

The Goondiwindi Show Society are a cashless facility, therefore you will be asked to pay via eftpos. Our dedicated caretakers will visit all campsites in the early evenings to collect camping fees.

How do I report and incident or make a suggestion?

We love hearing feedback and want to continue to improve our facilities for travels and the communities to enjoy. You can make comment or report incidents via the contact us now button.

FAQ: Show specific: What are the cost of rides and showbags?

The rides and showbags pricing are controlled by individual business providers, therefore the prices may vary from year to year or from attraction to another.

FAQ: Show Specific: Do you have disabled parking

Exciting news this will be implemented for the 2022 Show, please call the 0437 809415 for more information.

FAQ: Show Specific: Food + Drink

Food + Drink learn more here.

FAQ: What times and where does the courtesy bus pick up from?

Courtesy bus learn more here